The Nebrija Vocational Training Institute, through its Met@emoción project, was chosen as one of the recipients in the VII Call for Dualiza Grants, sponsored by CaixaBank Dualiza and the Association of Vocational Training Centers, FPEmpresa.
Met@emoción is a metaverse developed by vocational training students aimed at fostering emotional well-being. It offers various resources, including talks, group sessions, individualized support from the psychopedagogical office, and more.
The project's name, Met@emoción, ingeniously combines several elements: "Met@" from metaverse and emotional goals, representing the objectives aimed at enhancing emotional well-being. Additionally, the "@" symbolizes gender-neutral and environmentally conscious language on the internet. The word "emotion" highlights the project's focus on the metaverse and emotional health. Moreover, it acknowledges the term "meta-emotion" coined by psychologist John M. Gottman, referring to individuals' beliefs about emotions in general and their own emotional reactions in particular.
The project entails creating a metaverse centering on emotional health. It features various components: a welcoming area to guide users on metaverse usage and avatar customization (facilitating relaxed discussions on sensitive topics); a conference room hosting talks and training sessions; a library housing resources like videos, literature, and PDF content on emotional health for students and teachers; a group session room; and individual student counseling offices.
The students and instructors of the Advanced Vocational Training Program in Computer Science and Communications at the Nebrija Vocational Training Institute (INFP) will lead the design, programming, and execution of the metaverse. Meanwhile, Marketing and Advertising students and faculty will handle its visual identity and project promotion. INFP Advanced Vocational Training Program students will serve as metaverse users and evaluate its effectiveness.
The psychopedagogical office of the INFP and Nebrija University, along with the faculty from its Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, will contribute resources to the metaverse library, deliver specialized training sessions tailored to youth needs, facilitate group discussions on relevant topics, and offer individualized student support.
Additionally, project collaborators like Cibervoluntarios and RedPROEM are also involved in this initiative.
5th Call for Dualiza Grants
The Call for Dualiza Grants and FPEmpresa promotes VT projects de centros educativos que cuentan con la colaboración de las empresasof educational centers that have the collaboration of companies.
In the project presented by the Nebrija Institute for Vocational Training, which was selected in this 5th Call, the innovation, impact on the territory, sustainability and transferability of the knowledge generated were evaluated.
Among the specific objectives of our project, are:
The training of the students of the Advanced Vocational Training Program on Development of Multiplatform Applications of the Nebrija Institute for Vocational Training, regarding the tools and technologies necessary for the development of an educational solution in virtual reality.
The development of a virtual reality application that reduces the accident rate in the workplace, increases motivation in learning and improves understanding of the maintenance tasks of a solar plant without exposure to risks.
The training of Vocational Training students in renewable energies, through a friendly and realistic environment, which will allow the maintenance process to be reproduced virtually.
Provide visibility and value to the work carried out by Advanced Vocational Training students from the Nebrija Institute for Vocational Training.
Develop an intermodular connection between the students of Computer Science and Communications and those of the Advanced Degree in Marketing and Advertising. The latter will be responsible for preparing the graphic image of the project, as well as reports, presentations and articles for the dissemination of the 3DOM brand.
Collaboration with the Instituto IES Javier Garcia Téllez in Cáceres, which will write extra information and review documentation written by the 3DOM team.